Friday, March 27, 2009

Evil Mix Cds

I've always had the problem of over identifying with music. Different songs remind me of different people, situations, or times in my life...this can be a blessing mixed with a curse. 

Recently I've become more wary of placing my Ipod on random and forget old mix cds, they are the worst. I've been encountering the mix cd issue every-time my new ipod runs out of juice due to the fact that it won't charge in my car. I can either sit in silence, listen to the god-aweful radio or pop in one of the many unlabeled or ambiguously labeled cds that live in the side pocket of my door. The radio is a definite and resounding 'no' mystery cd it is. 

Suddenly my car is filled with My Life With The Thrill Kill Cult talking about Lucifer and his drug problem. I flash back to highschool and getting ready to go out. Not a bad memory in itself, until I continue that thought process and remember what happened when I actually reached my destination that night. I hurriedly click the next button as I brake my car at a red light. Synthesizers that vaguely remind me of whales screaming through the dark ocean envelop me as the light turns green. The singer from Switchblade Symphony starts to croon about how Wicked she has been. I can feel my mouth twist into a frown because I know the rest of this cd will just get worse. I pop it out and throw it back into the door pocket to be with it's malevolent CD brothers and sisters. I'm greeted with the abstract noise of my cars tires skimming over the road, and even though the music has ended, the damage is done- my thoughts are on my history, of a friendship turned sour and violent. 

Well, shit. I WAS having a good day. 

On a different, but similar note- I'm taking Ruff over to the dog park in a little bit. I'm taking my camera (so I may post later) and I'm going to make sure my ipod is FULLY charged before leaving. 

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